Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Form III Advisory Follow up

As requested by Mr. Zelden, I'm posting two resources for you:
[make sure you take time to review BOTH formats to determine which is most suited to your assignment]
1. An online slide show of yesterday's PowerPoint presentation:

2. A PDF file (includes slides,Speakers Notes, and option to print selected pages) Click here for PDF file.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday morning


  1. Nice to have friends and family in multiple climates;-)
  2. Placed updated version of slide show originally posted on Friday's post (below) but...
  3. I'm still soliciting feedback on "speakers notes - awkward to access from slide show;-(
  4. So, now have new option to view PDF formatted with slides+Speaker's Notes -an option to view speaker notes or print.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Oct. 15 Update

  • chat with Kale achieved exactly what i needed to get on right track:
  • Liz found word doc w/new 2010 Form III advisee curriculum
  • Kale came up with the perfect "visual" that advisees would associate with the meetings: Dunkin Donuts boxes.....
  • I'll coordinate time through Kale to test my laptop connection to AV and wireless web access, etc.
  • made progress on Latest: v2.1 - "fancy" EH? has animated effects cleaner content EVEN embedded YouTube w/ soundbite warning me NOT to go to fast or to try being fancy:

Tips on viewing: to access speaker notes,click on square icon for "full screen", then, select "Action" ->"Speaker notes"

Monday, October 11, 2010

First weekend in Bristol
Arrived just in time for a spectacular stretch of New England autumn (in addition to great company of Jay, Sheila, Jimmy and Sean Buckley) See a few representative slides of the highlights- captions icon by pacing cursor over slide show.

I should mention that October 9-10 marks five years from a traumatic night for me (worse perhaps? for my family). So celebration was even sweeter than thumbnail pictures(or captions)might convey.

Week One in Bristol, RI

Arrived Bristol on Sunday 2 October and set sights to work preparing for talk on 26th, brain training, and tues, thurs contact with Convio projects still part of plan BUT
Goal for week of October 8:
Circulate draft of presentation to faculty at Portsmouth

intermediate tasks required to meet goal:
  • get sign-off on work plan from dean of students
  • get distribution email list and intro to faculty
  • find and insert all graphics for use in presentation
  • Start rough cut of narrative on Notes Pages
  • send by end of business Friday

Note on "speaker NOTES" clicking on square screen icon expands show to full screen; once in full screen mode lmenu item "action"->"show speaker notes displays notes for current slide